How to connect to Oracle 8i Database and start database services? Set the required variables from command prompt. > set ORACLE_SID=TestID > set ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracleHomePath > set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH% > svrmgr30 Oracle Server Manager Release ****** PL/SQL Release SVRMGR> connect username/password; Connected. SVRMGR> startup; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area .....Database Opened. SVRMGR> select dbid, name, log_mode from v$database; NAME DBID LOG_MODE TestID 2343434**** NOARCHIVELOG Here database is started and up running.
SQLPLUS connection to database login response time was 3 minutes.!! How to Debug? At first, when we look at the Alert log file it was not showing anything as its login time issue! So login using sys/system or some different user where there is no issue on TOAD session. Now open some other window and try to login using the username having issue. Observe Session browser at the same time while system is trying to connect database. Enable Trace: After enabling trace at listener level, by changing values at sqlnet.ora file and bouncing listener. Found trace is showing some ip address which was referred to some weblogic server which was set as (unlimited failed attempt) trying to login and creating Row cache lock. As there are some changes in passwords, weblogic configuration required changes, which was causing issue.